songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

more pretty girls

© Coiffeur Nilsun Gneisenaustr. Berlin 2009 by Fritsch

But there’s more pretty girls than one / More pretty girls than one / Any old town that I ramble all around in / There’s more pretty girls than one (Traditional as sung by Lyle Lovett)

By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.

posted: Juli 5, 2009
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , ,

9 Responses to “more pretty girls”

  1. Kamal sagt:

    i really like how they just stare at you without really smiling. great mix with the gritty wall.

  2. Joe sagt:

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
    All the King’s horses and all the King’s men,
    Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

    Tim Burton Directed version, out 2010.

  3. Beverungen sagt:

    dit is balin, wa :-)

    ein gutes auge hat der fritsch – und ein gutes fotografisches vermögen dazu.

    viele grüße


  4. david sagt:

    their poses ooze „cool“. too cool to smile, to cool to avoid your shot, too cool to be happy?

    a terrific shot and spot.

  5. rhys sagt:

    were they watching you? did they react to having their photo taken? Great image.

  6. Turnbill sagt:

    wonderful capture! they thought they were so cool and now we’re all making fun of them on the web! how cool is that?

  7. elainev sagt:

    lol! i like teh story here

  8. a.h.lex sagt:

    yeah fritsch, that’s the real life – the one i like it.!

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