talking about collapsing & screaming at the moon
I remember crying over you / And I don’t mean like a couple of tears and I’m blue / I’m talking about collapsing and screaming at the moon / But I’m a better man for having gone through it / Yes, I’m a better man for having gone through (The Avett Brothers)
posted: März 29, 2013
under: black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, artifact, Avett Brothers, b & w, Darmstadt, hiatus, img, M9, night
Ein Bild um den zu Kopf heben und ob der Formen und der Einfachheit sowie den Kontrasten auf die Knie zu fallen um Dir zu danken immer wieder solche Perlen betrachten zu dürfen.
Lieber Freund ich wünsche Dir frohe Ostertage!
There was a room in which he has been a prisoner, a long time ago. A kind of jail for a young child. A too much innocent child. The light was on ‚til ten. This light was like a private moon for the child who couldn’t look at the sky. The sky was something he had heard about. In the books, in the tales, in the conversations. This was a time when there was neither Internet, neither tv… This was a time when there was photos, but photos didn’t reach him.
Well, Florian, this is what came to my mind immediately when looking at this beautiful minimalist composition: rich memories!
And then I’ve read the lyrics: „But I’m a better man for having gone through it“. Just terrific, my friend.
Very strong black & white, i like it !
Well, scream at the moon if you must, the moon can take it, it’s a big moon and it’s all shoulders to cry on… how are you my friend? still taking beautiful pictures i see :)
Good bw shot!nice day to you!
another gem, minimalist close to abstraction, but still concrete.
it is a true gift to see beauty in seemingly everyday mundanity lika a lamp – and you have that gift, buddy, you have that gift!
keep it dry!
„Moon is the oldest TV“ (Nam June Paik)
lgk aka Howling Wolf ,)
PS: …und dann hast du es sogar noch geschafft, dem Tag angemessen ein Ei im Bild zu verstecken *g, der Mond ist voller Wunder – frohe Ostertage!
…Howlin‘ Wolf (so isses richtig!)
Eine Lampe, sachlich-streng und funktional; oder ein Mond, gespiegelt in einem Fass, umrahmt von tiefer Dunkelheit; nein, vielleicht doch eine Pupille, riesenhaft groß am schwarzen Firmament schwebend.
Abstrakt und konkret, und wie immer bei Deinen Arbeiten:
Es kommt nicht darauf an, was man betrachtet, sondern was man sieht!
Eine große Kunst, im Gewöhnlichen das Rätselhafte zu entdecken.
Gruß, Uwe
The light reminds me of something used in an interrogation, but sometimes any illumination will do. Introspection has its own light that brings out some deep things hidden in the shadows of the mind and heart. The lyrics tell it all. That „collapsing and screaming“ place is familiar. I can only hope for that „better man“ to emerge because of it. Many thoughts weave around a minimalistic photo and a set of lyrics. You do your magic well, Sir.
A little geometric jewel, not unlike that moon that we have all screamed at, at one point or another