songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

white & full like a pale ghost across the sky

© White, Berlin 2011 by Fritsch

Will that look be your only reply / You lower your head in reply / Here it is white and full like a pale ghost across the sky / And here it is crescent like a dagger from your heart into mine / Here it is just a spark to shine (Songs: Ohia)

posted: September 7, 2011
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , ,

13 Responses to “white & full like a pale ghost across the sky”

  1. rian sagt:

    nice b&w shot.. woah.. what’s going on here.. what’s that on her head?

  2. Linda sagt:

    thought provoking! very pretty image.

  3. Aurore sagt:

    I LOVE this point of view, brilliant Florian !!

  4. rotundschwarz sagt:

    Boah. Was für ein irritierendes Foto. Sind das Tattoos? Eine Lucky Strike-Packung? Kniet, steht, hockt sie? Fliegt sie? Ist das die Erde? Der Kosmos? Ist das überhaupt eine Frau? Eine Zwiebel?


  5. Human statue. It is even better to look perfect in a different way. These players are sometimes very surprising in their interpretation … immobile.

  6. DomLOrtha sagt:

    Audacious and fantastic shot! Very intriguing! LOve your strong BW this way, it makes the difference. Great work, congrats!
    Have a nice day.

  7. Marcie sagt:

    What a wonderful point-of-view and perspective. Hauntingly beautiful!!

  8. aptass sagt:

    I’m intrigued by the cracked layer covering her.
    Who is she and whats her story

  9. theysroland sagt:

    Wonderful point-of-view i like shot!

  10. Jerome sagt:

    Loving this, so much mood, so dark

  11. sherri sagt:

    what a fascinating image. this would be quite the conversation piece if it were printed and hanging on a wall.

  12. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    When I see that statue-like form and equate it with something cold, unfeeling, and uncaring, I also remember those same impressions that the lyrics speak of. It’s a good shot and the point of view gives it a hard remoteness that works very well.

  13. Beverungen sagt:

    leben gefährdet ihre gesundheit.

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