sad songs keep the devil away
Drifting and turned, double edge dance / Hearts burn with the wind to find their way / Words that connect, never gain enough traction / Thus forever blown astray / And there was never any doubt / Plans to make carried out / Time keeps slipping through / Angel of the blues (Son Volt)
posted: März 3, 2014
under: colour, German Langeweile, pictures
tags: 35mm, artifact, city, colour, D2, hiatus, img, Son Volt
Feiner Balsam für die Augen denn diese baden förmlich in diesem grossartigen Bild.
Florian, Applaus für diesen wunderbaren Augenschmaus!
Rollrasen auf Asphalt (?), Plastikschwimmbecken auf Rollrasen, von oben aufgenommen, ob es ein Hochhaus war? Leere, Stille, ob noch jemand kommen wird?
fein gesehen, lieber Florian!
herzliche Grüße
A very graphic image. Many of my favorite songs are often very sad …
Perfekt, Florian! Gerade so viel Zutaten wie nötig um unser absurdes Leben zu skizzieren – Minimalismus vom Feinsten.
I’m at the age when the end is closer than the beginning. The world seems much more artificial than it used to. Certainly, it seems to be less tangible and to think of having a grasp on it is totally ludicrous. When I see this photo, I see that artificiality, the temporal, the fleeting nature of it again. We try to make the earth and life fit what we need. We have some success; we have some failure. Some plans work; some fly on past. And time keeps slipping through. I thought I had it all tied up once upon a time. Now I understand. A poetic photo, Fritsch. I like it.
A very attractive and suggests image, that it may have different meanings depending on the environment where it is.
Good shot.
Ein verlockend blaues Auge, das Erfrischung verspricht, steht im Mittelpunkt eines strengen grafischen Konzeptes, welches uns eher von Tristesse erzählt. Eine widerspenstige Arbeit, die uns gut gefällt!
Viele Grüße,
dm und mb
Ah, ah, the Brazilian colours, green yellow and blue… The colours of the country where I live, the colours of the nationalist claims I’ll have to suffer the next months, with the football World Cup…
And here on this photo, the colours of another kind of game, likely less tragic,which makes a very nice formal composition. An example of minimalism you know so well remark and shoot, Florian.
And also something of an artificial but real part of our world, this world we discover together, my friend, each time much deeper.
Just superb
Love this
surrealist and very good…
So real, dass es surreal scheint.
How sad yet colourful must the songs be that the devil wouldn’t come near !