songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

been busy killing time counting bullet holes in state line signs

I say „God, if you ain’t smiling on me, then you ain’t no friend of mine.“ / It’s late at night and this motel room’s drunk, I been listening to the lonesome wind crying / My best friend once said, „Jim, what you cling to, that’s the thing that you had best forget / For ain’t no rose bed ever gonna bloom in an untended field of regrets.“ / Guess I been busy killing time counting bullet holes in state line signs / I led a life of lonely drifting trying to rise above the buzzards in my mind / You get dizzy chasing ‚round the tail of what you need to leave behind / Oh sweet Jesus, won’t you help me? / ‚Cause all I’m trying to do is plant them seeds of love with that girl from Brownsville, Texas (Jim White)

posted: Juni 14, 2013
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , ,

12 Responses to “been busy killing time counting bullet holes in state line signs”

  1. Sofasophia sagt:

    ganz schön heimatlos, wenn du mich fragst, der jim.

    eine starke bild-text-kombination hast du da wieder geschaffen!

  2. walter sagt:

    Alle reden vom Zeit totschlagen. Dabei schlägt die Zeit uns tot.
    Alphonse Allias (1854–1905

    Lieber Florian,
    wünsche Dir ein wunderbares Wochenende mit ganz viel Zeit für alles Schöne!
    Gruss, Walter

  3. Francis J sagt:

    One of this strong composition of yours, Florian, a lot of elements together to tell a story we just have to imagine, the lonely girl reading in a place which is a nowhere place, under a wc sign, a perspective on the right side opening to the future minutes, the next pages of our story work in progress. A top-notch picture of yours, Florian.

  4. Dass diese Häuser für die dringendsten Bedürfnisse, die man unterwegs verspüren kann, auch immer so verschlossen wirken. Ob die junge Frau den Eingang auf der Karte sucht? Wie auch immer, wir wünschen ihr das Beste. So wie jedem, der im Draußen zurecht kommen muss.
    Viele Grüße von uns!
    dm und mb

  5. haha, it’s a great shot, buddy: the composition and the contrasts are great, and the humorous look at the woman waiting below the wc-sign coupled with that great headline make for good times, pal!

    keep it up!


  6. Markus sagt:

    Aah, Florian, Du findest den Blues überall, aber nur wenige Orte verdienen ihn so wie dieser.

  7. duke sagt:

    I agree entirely with the comment Ay, Captain Calypso!
    Great shot!

    Have a nice day my friend

  8. nicole sagt:

    Ich liebe Deine MusikPhotoLyrik … makes me listen, makes me diving deep to … places. thanx

  9. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    What an unexpected photo! I „think“ that the subject matter plays with my mind. The building–of an expressed purpose–isn’t what I’d photograph, HOWEVER, the sign says „You are here!“ The woman reading the map (?) isn’t so sure. Maybe she isn’t even headed there! At any rate, I had to smile about it. Sometimes we get lost much too easily. The lyrics of this song are just overflowing with magnetic energy, and your photo is, too. What a match!

  10. domlortha sagt:

    To be patient… Nice shot!
    Have a nice day.

  11. Andrej sagt:

    Ein wirklich ausgezeichnetes Foto. Mag ich!

  12. Luis sagt:

    Beautiful layout with the use of lines here and elements.

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