run with the ponies
Watch my friend run with the ponies / Said his whole life he loved them / Back of the car, eyes were closing / They were closing / Oh, it’s all right / It’s all right (Original Harmony Ridge Creek Dippers)
posted: Juli 25, 2012
under: black & white, hinterland, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, countryside, D2, Denmark, img, Original Harmony Ridge Creek Dippers, rural sketches
The horses were watching you just as intensely as you were watching them, and it’s better than all right. I love their gaze and windblown manes.
this is beautiful! nicely executed! :)
oh my dog!!! my heart may burst!!! you know, I didn’t think it was possible for me to love animals more, but since being a vegan, my whole being is filling with love! and I love love love this picture! send me a big copy to use for my desktop? sweet Florian xoxox
What a surprise to meet these fellows! You’re walking alone and suddenly they are there in front of you. Or you’re walking with a friend, talking of some band (OHRCD, for instance), and they are looking at you as if they were waiting for you!
Like a vision, Florian, of the world at its very beginnings, when men and animals were free, absolutely free. How did they call this world? Eden, is it that ? A vision of Eden, my friend!
Wild ponies, what other vision of freedom is there beyond these big pastures, untamed horses and big rolling clouds. Freedom is a wild animal out in the open
superbe cette criniere dans le vent
Habe gerade einige sehr schöne, aus der Zeit gebeamte Momente erlebt: Hier unvermutet und plötzlich diesen beiden wunderschönen, freien Tieren gegenüberzustehen. Stehenbleiben. Auge in Auge – aufmerksam, vorsichtig, neugierig. Wer bist du? Wer seid ihr? Der Musik zuhören. Die Wolken ziehen. Es riecht nach Gras und Erde. Ihre Mähnen, mein Haar flattern im Wind.
Oh, love the tender eye-contact you have with them !!
Wonderful photo!
wow Fritsch! timeless photo. love it.
This is quite simply a cracking image. No words needed.
Beautiful BW again for this nice scene. Well done.
have a nice day.
A „Ohh Charmer“ piece of work Florian! Liking how you’ve had framed it – LOVELY… plus a whole bucket of adorable as well (HA!).
Génial ! Quel cliché ! Quelle ambiance !