we come with the dust & we go with the wind
I worked in your orchards of peaches and prunes / I slept on the ground in the light of the moon / On the edge of the city you’ll see us and then / We come with the dust and we go with the wind (Woody Guthrie as sung by Scott H. Biram)
posted: Juni 6, 2012
under: 600 km, black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, architecture, b & w, city, D2, Darmstadt, Hessen, hiatus, img, Scott H. Biram, Woody Guthrie
ay, just another masterpiece, man! you’re really on a roll right now. I …. can see those immigrants under a dark California sky, or a dark Andalucia sky for that matter, all tired from picking oranges and their only solace is the beautifully garish neon of times gone by to comfort them as the dust blows up all around …
„so each night as I stand near the river
I see the lights of El Paso so bright.
I dream of that girl from Sonora, and
I wonder if she made it all right“
just keep ‚em coming, buddy!
A bowling and a billard and Charlie Chaplin and this stunning sky with so many traces and… And I can imagine myself as I can imagine yourself, Florian, looking from a window of a train or a bus, looking at the upper part of the sliding landscape, the images striking like billard or bowling bowls in our minds… And I’ll think of this picture of you tomorrow on my road to Rio das Ostras, where I’ll have to shoot some musicians on stage. Brazilian roads are rich too of images from the upper side of the landscape like pieces of a puzzle… And I would say each country has a different kind of puzzle pieces. And I would add that we never end with these puzzles…
Ein ultimativer Wurf, der alles abräumt,
ein brillanter Stoß, der alles versenkt,
ein überraschender Gag, der alles verändert,
eine ultimative Reise, die alles fremd werden lässt:
Bowling, Billard, Chaplin, Kondensstreifen,
vereint auf einem Werbegerüst vor einem grauen Fond, dem Himmel, der alle unsere Sehn-Süchte hinterfängt und doch genauso flüchtig und veränderlich und endlich ist wie die Wege, die wir einschlagen, um dem Leben auf die Spur zu kommen.
Gruß, Uwe
bowling and billiards, old men with pot bellies hunched over something to play with, it’s a picture as old as the hills… not this picture, hehe, that’s new, for you just took it, a young man, full of life and adventure, and a little bit of wanderlust for spice :)
Nice comp: The ink-black frame works nicely against the contrail-lined sky.
Damnit hahhhahahha my excitement just will not be tamed (HA! kidding)… from the get-go with its amusing premise signage, it’s having FUN-time at seeing! I could dig lovely and whimsical, quite a piece of work Florian.
A excellent photo!
after the dust settles and our hard sweat cools, we sit and there it is, the sky is still there, beautiful, inky, the color of peach and prunes at sunset
Our diversions mean as much as do our occupations. They are the times of a fulfillment that we can own rather than the hours of toil that we invest but never really own. Which one gives us a greater connection with one another? Which one means the most? I love the interplay of thought and image.
You found the right angle to create a very geometrical picture of this roof. NIcely seen, and done!
Have a nice day.