songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

breaking up the lines

© Orangen, Darmstadt 2012 by Fritsch

Let these times show you that you’re breaking up the lines / Leaving all your dreams too far behind / Didn’t you see, you can’t make it without ever even trying / And something’s on your mind (Karen Dalton)

posted: April 25, 2012
under: 600 km, black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

12 Responses to “breaking up the lines”

  1. Roland Theys sagt:

    A excellent shot! good picture!

  2. Elaine- sagt:

    fuck yeah minimalism!! lol it’s beautiful honey bunches of oats and noooo i cannot do black and white much anymore… not like you, doesn’t it hurt your heart sometimes to kill all the pretty colours? lolol yes, i can hear them screaming for justice from the grave :)

  3. aptass sagt:

    Looks like a photo ripped from an old magazine. This is a beautiful capture. I like how the fruit is tucked in a bowl of comforting darkness, like a blanket of night.

  4. CrashRyan sagt:

    very nicely done ! would make a cool ad!

  5. sherri sagt:

    it took me about 30 seconds to realize what i was seeing. very, very good.

  6. Uwe sagt:

    Ein Still-Leben.
    Schön, wie die Kreisformen miteinander korrespondieren; perfekt, wie die Komposition Leben bekommt durch die asymmetrische Stellung des Tisches im Bild; irritierend, wie die diaphane Tischpaltte erst nach einigen Sekunden des Betrachtens als eine solche erkannt und zuvor als eine angeschnittene Kreislinie wahrgenommen wird, die man nicht zuordnen kann; interessant, wie die Lichtstimmung dem Ganzen eine paradoxe Atmosphäre verleiht, düster und zugleich rational geordnet; spannend, wie der Raum durch die eingenommene Vogelperspektive in die Fläche kippt, wodurch sich alle Gegenstände, die das Motiv darstellen, zu abstrakten Bildelementen zusammenfügen; und nicht zuzletzt irritierend, wie durch die S/W-Optik gerade den Orangen alles entzogen wird, was üblicherweise unsere Augen anzieht und zugleich aber ihre körnige Textur und ihre Lichthaltigkeit sichtbar wird. Eine wahrlich gelungene Inszenierung. Gruß, Uwe

  7. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    What in interesting perspective. The bowl seems so dark and heavy and it’s supported by fragile glass. We trust so many „heavy“ things in life to exist on an almost invisible, intangible foundation. Sometimes they do; sometimes those invisible supports break. Isn’t it strange how reckless we are at times? And all too often, we are reckless with the most precious things that we have. (I hate where the pondering on your photo takes me, but I find that it is a reminder of reality.) Nice photo. Love the song, too.

  8. Jerome sagt:

    you my friend, are an artistic geometer

  9. rian sagt:

    these makes for a fine composition, love the circles and textured floor you captured here..

  10. DomLOrtha sagt:

    Great play with rounded shapes perfectly composed in the picture; love the ground with bricks which is contrasting with the sweet curves. Brilliant!
    Have a nice day.

  11. Francis J sagt:

    Round lines over a ground of parallel straight lines. And there is also the bowl and its oranges in the center of the frame but not in the center of the table. For all these reasons, this composition stands strongly in front of my eyes. And there is even something more, offering some mystery: the round envelop of the light and its counterpart, the shadow in the upper part of the frame.
    A very fine work, Florian, for a day of rain and hope…

  12. Beve sagt:

    das runde im eckigen – und doch kein fußball.

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