bed is for sleeping, love is for making
Bed is for sleeping / Love is for making / You know love I am yours for the taking / My eyes are for seeing / The wind is for blowing / And you see love I am yours for the knowing (Bonnie „Prince“ Billy)
posted: April 22, 2012
under: black & white, pictures, woman
tags: 35mm, b & w, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, D2, folks, hiatus, img, nude, S.
ah the series continues, nice soft shadows, and I say again I very much like your abstracted approach to nude photography
Leib oder Elfenbein?
Auf jeden Fall ein Augenöffner!
Frappant, wie die Körperlandschaft sich in eine biomorphe Abstraktion verwandeln lässt und dabei NICHT ihr Sexappeal verliert, vielmehr alle Sinne danach gieren, diese HAUT zu begreifen.
Gruß, Uwe
Exquisitely beautiful…sensual abstract. Well done!
i can’t even tell what part of the body this is haha… but it seems you are having a lovely time :)
The human landscape, still able to act in mysterious ways.
This is like a view of an asteroid in space. Beautiful minimalism ;^)
i do have to agree with you.. :) nice capture too..
Really love those lyrics! I’ve been kind of scarce lately, but I’m trying to organize things for the road, which will be happening soon…
Let me just say again, you do figure studies like I haven’t seen before, they are truly quite special, and quite divine in their eloquent minimalism. So many thoughts run through one’s mind when you look at them…Questions of time & space, memories converging, combining through the lines you create so evocatively. Beautiful work, brother.
Great composition, love the curve of the body in the picture. NIcely done.
Have a nice day.
A body hill, the fascination for curves, a mysterious place, the beauty spots scattered all over the skin, I put all these things passing through my mind and I can’t decide. I just know this is one more fascinating work of yours, Florian, a heavy and nonetheless light piece of mystery, a beautiful offering for our eyes.
wieder ein bild, welches das nicht gezeigte im kopf wandern lässt.