not what you did, it’s just how you did it to me
It’s not what you did / It’s just how you did it to me / It’s not what you did / It’s just how you did it to me / Could you stand / Could you stand in my way (Micah P. Hinson)
posted: März 7, 2012
under: black & white, pictures, woman
tags: 35mm, b & w, D2, folks, img, Micah P. Hinson, nude, S.
Nicht alles was wir sehen, ist was wir sehen.
Das Auge und Hirn lässt sich täuschen, von einem schwarzen Dreieck und die Gedanken sind frei … von Kartoffeln über irgendwelche Früchte bis hin zu Steinen und anderem mehr, ist hier alles interpretierbar. Eine schön gestaltete Komposition, mit wunderbarem Spiel zwischen Schwarz & Weiss und feinen grauen Zwischentönen.
It’s not what the picture shows or doesn’t show, it’s what it makes us see beyond the frame
A piece of black cotton, but first I’ve seen something else, something like a black hole, a kind of body’s black hole. And this mix-up may have a deep meaning, the idea of a body seen as a whole universe, with its stars, planets, satellites… and black holes. Everybody is a whole universe, we should know that. And thanks to you, Florian, that’s just obvious here.
A fascinating composition!
Hahhhahhhahahaaaha… another C L E V E R concept that allow our imagination to run wild (HA!) – Take it easy Florian, not too much not too little, just about the right amount „Optical Illusion“ speaks volume [abstract-art].
I’m really taken with Francis J’s interpretation of this series…the body seen as a whole self contained universe, how utterly intriguing, how moving in it’s implication. And now, that’s how I intend to see these shot’s, all the lovingly captured detail, all gathered and compiled as an indistinct whole, indeed, like a universe.
Brother, it’s beautiful & captivating, as only you know how. Truly sublime.
great way to be a tease.. i like this.. :)
Playing with the flesh… NIcely done again!!
Have a nice day. at its minimalist point!
fleischkartoffeln. kartoffelfleisch. wallander sucht den täter.