thank God where you are & your travelin‘ steps
Thank God for the stars / Each one in the heavens / Thank God where you are / And your travelin‘ steps / Way down in the woods / I will go for my rest / Way down in the woods / I will go (Malcolm Holcombe)
posted: Februar 8, 2012
under: black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, architecture, b & w, D2, img, Malcolm Holcombe
I like the contrasting lines and curves in this shot. Perfect in black and white….of course!
Eine Raumecke, die in ein ausgewogenes abstraktes Bild mit stürzenden Linien und opaken Flächen verwandelt erscheint. Erst die etwas abseits von der Bildmitte hängende Lampe macht dem Betrachter wieder die Raumsituation bewusst. Ein schönes Spiel mit dem Schein. Gruß, Uwe
Ich vermute dass alle Fussballbegeisterten diesen Spruch kennen nun lernen auch die Fotobegeisterten ihn kennen: „Das Runde muss ins Eckige“.
Du hast diesen legendären Spruch von Sepp Herberger mit diesem Bild optimal umgesetzt.
So schwierig wie das im Fussball ist, ist‘s auch in der Fotografie, deshalb von mir eine Standing Ovation, mein Freund!
We can look at it as an abstract, and it’s working very well with these black, gray and white lines with the white sphere giving a counterpoint. I can look at it as if I was a mosquito, and that will be here my point of view. Depending of the place from where we look at something, the world for instance, things we thought known are appearing a lot different. That’s why, Florian, this frame of yours is so precious to me.
The universe in a room, all right there, all the memories, thoughts of all that was, of all that might be. Right there, in a room with walls as flimsy barriers, walls that tear in the act of breathing, of remembering with eyes closed. And that’s it, that’s what this striking shot reminds me of, all and everything, a single universe contained, pulsating. Incredible, brother…
Some key elements integrated interestingly… this picture shines – Pure Chicness! THINK HAUTE-couture „stylish“ (HA!).
Beautiful geometry and contrasts in b&w. See you amigo, lack of time but i hop it will be better soon.
nice work noticing these shades & shapes.. :) nice capture!
A continuation of the other corner shot, three dimensions in two, nothing like the simplifying power of lines and shapes. it’s almost abstract, yet the context is just as powerful
I like this to dimension graphics and in opposition with the round, well considering!
Those lines really get to me. Great work
I like the kind of modern elegance of this picture. A great eye to catch this composition. NIcely done.
Have a nice day.
So nice – you have an eye!
walters kommentar passt; das runde muss ins eckige. sensationell.