fly away, leave me
Hold, hold, I hold you tight / From all the worries, you’re safe / Play, play and replay / All the memories you crave / And I don’t owe her and she don’t owe me a thing / Cuz I ain’t calling and she can see the end / Fly away / Leave me (Micah P. Hinson)
posted: August 31, 2011
under: black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, city, D2, folks, hiatus, img, Micah P. Hinson, street
Wonderful lower light. Very beautioful picture with that light running all over/
man i like how the light comes in from between the houses. beautiful!
ooo….i like the brick streets. so charming.
A photo of near emptiness and a song that echoes the sentiment. A touching piece of work.
I like how the lines of stone meet up on the empty square.
Many things sooner or later crosses paths even if we don’t realize it.
I like the mysterious mood of loneliness and emptiness in the city.
gute Komposition, gute photos, gute aussage! lass alles gehen, lass es fliegen, komm selbst an.
Danke für das Bild! a.h.lex
such beautiful emptiness
very impressive composition!!
What an excellent composition, with a larg part for the pavement! Strong BW. Really beautiful (as always)
Have a nice day.
Platz der Demokratie, but where are the citizens? It seems they are fleeing, the forum has been left to its ruins.
Occidental countries are going back to their old devils. Black ones, as black as this picture, Florian.
A pessimistic insight, or is it because i’m a bit pessimistic today?
Wonderful eye for all these lines, they lead the eye right into the picture. Can’t wait to be shooting in Berlin !
Love the light on this one, Fritsch. Seems to come from the ground. Beautiful perspective !
I love the patch of light around the people. Perfect!
Perfect photo!
Bravo for the composition. The lines are superb. The photo is very successful.
Lieber Fritsch
war lange nicht mehr hier auf deinem Blog, habe vieles verpasst … aber zum Glück kann ich alles noch nachsehen … wie immer aussergewöhnliche Bilder und natürlich dazu die passenden Texte, einfach grossARTig! Danke!
Ein Pflasterstein, der war einmal
Und wurde viel beschritten.
Er schrie: „Ich bin ein Mineral
Und muss mir ein für allemal
Dergleichen streng verbitten!“
Jedoch den Menschen fiel’s nicht ein
Mit ihm sich zu befassen,
Denn Pflasterstein bleibt Pflasterstein
Und muss sich treten lassen.
Joachim Ringelnatz 1883-1934
zur demokratie gehören menschen. irgendwo dahinten. so ist das. vergossenes licht.
Congrats on PhotoFriday. Well deserved.