songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

it’s been my ghost on the empty road

© Mainzer Landstr., Frankfurt am Main 2011 by Fritsch

Hammer down / Heaven bound / When it’s been my ghost on the empty road / I think the stars are just the neon lights / Shining through the dance floor / Shining through the dance floor / Of heaven on a Saturday night (Magnolia Electric Co.)

posted: Februar 6, 2011
under: black & white, Im Herzen von Europa, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , , ,

17 Responses to “it’s been my ghost on the empty road”

  1. Anne V. sagt:

    My ghost on the empty road. So beautiful. Thanks !

  2. Otto K. sagt:

    lovely. wonderful view in B&W. I wonder what is down in the dark.

  3. theysroland sagt:

    Beautiful compositions, to exploit the geometry of the places and visual angle, composed well, congratulation!.

  4. walter sagt:

    Rush Hour vorbei, die Strassen leergefegt, die Dancings in den Untergrund verlegt, nur dein rastloser Geist der die Stadt nach fotografischen Motiven scannt und dabei einmal mehr fündig wird, ein wunderbar schwarzweisser Stern der einmal mehr die Augen in Beschlag nimmt und von deinem Blog blinkt.

  5. sherri sagt:

    Couldn’t figure this one out…very intriguing.

  6. Elaine- sagt:

    i used to have long wavy red hair down to my butt and i wore a long black biker type trench coat, and one time i was walking down by the river along where hubby would soon be driving home from work at 6:00 am… my husband came bumping along in the car and his headlights shone on me lol i get in the car and he says ‚you scared the crap outta me, i wasn’t sure if it was you or the angel of death!!!‘ and i said ‚it’s been my ghost on the empty road‘ :) kidding.. i really said ‚come ON i’m not THAT pale‘ lol

    i love you too baby xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxox

  7. rotundschwarz sagt:

    Abgetaucht. Verschwunden. Nicht mehr zu sehen. **duckundweg** Sich aus der Dreidimensionalität verabschiedet und als Fläche wieder im Raum verflüchtigt. Ghost on the empty road. In Luft aufgelöst. Wunderbar.

  8. Wow! This is so strange and very powerful. The stillness is a bit unnerving (which I like). I keep waiting for something to happen. Great!

  9. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    That man-made hole in the ground seems less than welcoming, but it’s so intriguing to think just what (or who) might be down there. But then, no one is on the surface either. So, which to choose?

    Interesting–and it plays with my mind. Nice work, Fritsch.

  10. Peter sagt:

    I like this B&W very much Fritsch you have such great depth perception in it as well as many different lines and angles in this photo…..well done….peter:)

  11. frankdejol sagt:

    Only straight lines, no curves, no rounding. Yeah, I like your choice for this intriguing composition.

  12. hoi sagt:

    Awesome contrast and composition.

  13. Linda sagt:

    Deliciously creative! gorgeous toning!

  14. Beverungen sagt:

    ghost on an empty road. irgendwo da unten lebt er. der, der mich immer begleitet. mit dem ich spreche wenn niemand anwesend ist. der, den du spürst obgleich niemand anwesend ist.

    viele grüße


  15. DomLortha sagt:

    Great deep BW. Great eye to see the geometry of that place!
    Have a nice day.

  16. Turnbill sagt:

    Like the portal to hell!

  17. Luis sagt:

    I like the way you see Fritsch. Strong, appealing simplicity.

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