songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

God only knows what I’d be without you

If you should ever leave me / Though life would still go on, believe me / The world could show nothing to me / So what good would livin‘ do me / God only knows what I’d be without you (The Beach Boys / Brad Mehldau)

posted: Januar 31, 2016
under: colour, into the silence, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

10 Responses to “God only knows what I’d be without you”

  1. Elaine- sagt:

    I’m so sorry, my friend… the sadness in the picture is palpable.

  2. Günter Unnasch sagt:

    I Can Hear (the) Music

  3. walter sagt:

    Das leere Bett, der Abdruck des Kopfes auf dem Kissen, die Fotografie an der Wand, dies alles trägt zur Stille dieses einfühlsamen Bildes bei. Doch wenn allmählich wie bei einer Farbfotografie, die Farben verblassen, die Gedanken verblassen, bleibt dieses wunderbare Bild zurück, dass alle Erinnerungen wieder weckt.

  4. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    A severely touching photograph. You have an emotional strength–a presence of mind–that allows (or leads) you in making such a tribute. There are those among us who know exactly where you are at this time. Our hearts are with you.

  5. Uwe sagt:

    Eine solche Leerstelle lässt sich nicht füllen.
    Uns bleiben die Bilder. Und wenn sie gelingen, schaffen sie eine haltbare Fiktion, eine Präsenz des Abwesenden. So wie hier.

    Herzliche Grüße (aus dem fernen Süden),

  6. Francis J. sagt:

    I’m with you my dear friend.

  7. michèle sagt:

    It’s strange. I ‚ve got the feeling to see a scenery, a beautiful one. I feel loneliness in the words of the song and in the small picture on the wall. Yet the whole is very attractive and bright. I am intrigued by the clear whiteness of the wall that seems stuck on a other less white, intrigued too by what looks like a rule with buttons that could belong to a stereo, on the wall above tthe black and white picture.
    Except the decoration on the walls it could be seen asa reoom in a monastery.

    Your creation is excellent and very aesthetic!

  8. gillena sagt:

    Happy St Patrick’s Day
    Blessing of friends, rainbows and hope

    Much love…

  9. Very „empty“ picture. You can feel the hole in the hart.
    Love Anna

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