on that train & gone
The longest train I ever did see was sixteen coaches long / And the only girl I ever did love was on that train and gone (Traditional)
By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.
posted: Mai 31, 2009
under: black & white, pictures
tags: b & w, Berlin, city, D40, img, street, Traditional
Excellent work! I love style of your photos ;-)
Nice perspective and atmosphere.
es gibt nur einen weg. den graden weg. und der endet am anfang. zwischendrin passiert etwas. gewinn und verlust.
viele grüße
he needs to come to ohio then, some of the trains are over a mile long!! excellent mood here; i love the urban griminess of your images.
love this! great perspective and contrasted b&w
a nice perspective with a beautiful movement.. a real atmosphere ;)
Hat einen leichten touch von Brazil. Was ein Film, solche werden leider heute nicht mehr gedreht. Vielleicht mache ich einen (Rock)Hasen Film,..
Und Schwarz/Weiss geht weiter!
depth, space, line, perspective, pattern. wow! this has them all!
love it! the mural, the lines, the light… and thanks for adding me to your blogroll.