songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

the ones I leave & the ones ahead, the chance I had & the choice instead

© Bode-Museum, Berlin 2012 by Fritsch

Now I think twice about every bargain / Everything I’ve had and what I’ve walked out on / All the lone star horizon / All the lone star horizon / The ones I leave and the ones ahead / The chance I had and the choice instead / All the lone star horizon / All the lone star horizon (Magnolia Electric Co.)

posted: Dezember 30, 2012
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , ,

11 Responses to “the ones I leave & the ones ahead, the chance I had & the choice instead”

  1. aptass sagt:

    A giant curled up in the corner, yet alone in negative space.
    I like the processing and composition. Bravo!

  2. Marcie sagt:

    Lvoe the little statue guys you cptured atop the building. To you and yours – all the best for 2013!

  3. ay, Fritsch, another great composition of yours and another great lyrics pairing! we’re there dude, caught between the heaven and earth, solid ground and empty sky – fixtures on the lone star horizon!

    stay in the saddle, pal!

    happy new year!


  4. Was für ein sinnreiches Foto zum Jahresabschluss: Stehen wir am Rande des Abgrunds? Sind wir vor dem Sprung ins kalte Wasser oder einfach nur auf dem Sprung? Blicken wir ins Nichts oder ins Weite? Was bleibt von dem, was hinter uns ist – und was liegt vor uns? Ist es besser, zu verharren oder den nächsten Schritt zu wagen?

    Ich danke dir sehr für ein weiteres Jahr voller Bilder und Musik und mit irritierenden, seltsamen, witzigen, befremdlichen und anregenden Gedankencollagen – es macht Spaß, dich auf deinen Wegen zu begleiten. Wünsche dir, dass das neue Jahr für dich froh und offen und weit ist und dir überwiegend Gutes bringt.

    Happy new Year!

  5. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    At my age, my life feels somewhat like a museum that is housing more than I want to remember. In fact, the line from the song that you used as a title sums up very well what the „exhibits“ in my darker halls are. And, the ghosts of it all stand protective watch over it and test anyone going in and out just as they torment me.

    Or, perhaps this is the picture that sums up the approach to a New Year.

    My mind play is a bit dramatic, but it feels very right when I see your photo magic on the screen.

    Your work this past year has created many journeys, the highs and the lows, the things discovered or lost, the places and adventures that you, the wandering artist, have given to us. Best Wishes for a great and happy New Year!

  6. Luis sagt:

    Keep them coming in 2013. Happy New Year!

  7. Aurore sagt:

    Happy New Year my friend ! Lot of joys and beautiful shots !!

  8. Elaine- sagt:

    this is a really beautiful shot, it tugs at my heart, just like you do sweetie… i see there are angels up there, watching over us… i always knew they were there, but now you have caught them on film…

  9. rian sagt:

    lovely framing, nicely done!

  10. DomLortha sagt:

    Fantastic way to compose it! LOve it! Perfect to my eyes!
    Have a nice day.

  11. Jerome sagt:

    Peeking over the edge, watching over the city and those who roam it unsuspectingly, except to the few who think of looking up from time to time

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