the coast is never clear, answers always beyond our reach
The coast is never clear / Answers always beyond our reach / And though it’s not my way won’t you help me try / Let’s make jam when life gives us a peach / If it’s true / I don’t mind / There’s a million other things that keep me up at night / Maybe it’s not quite right / But we’ll find out / If it’s true (Yo La Tengo)
posted: Dezember 2, 2012
under: black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, countryside, D2, Denmark, img, Yo La Tengo
Thought you’d been to Sweden first :) Happy Surf Fritsch
keep away from the sharks. ;-)
Have you been surfing in Denmark? If it’s true, I don’t mind… In fact, I’d like it’s true. Maybe because I didn’t see you as a surfer, I mean a sea surfer. And to tell the truth, I’d like to be surfing myself in a city where I just have to look at the window of my apartment to see young fellows going to the beach with a board under the arm.
But I’m not here to tell you about my life! I’m here to follow your photography surfing, Florian, your way to look at the world around us. And, once again, that’s good stuff with your great blacks and whites, the path on the right leading to a fantasy world (as I have to imagine it), and the bush behind which stands a yet wider and wilder world, full of other landscapes, animals and strange / ordinary people. Something I do like.
Ja, nichts als Surfen –
auf der Welle Deiner Aufmerksamkeit
für die Fremdheit des Gewöhnlichen,
denn durch sie geraten die An-Sichten in Bewegung.
Und selbst ein Hinweisschild verliert
seine banale Tatsächlichkeit und wird
zum Zeichenträger einer Welt,
die Du uns mit Deinen Fotos erschließt.
Von Bild zu Bild eine Seherfahrung mehr.
Gruß, Uwe
Bring on the sun and the surf! I’m ready for it…but take me back to the 60’s first please! (The music is an „interesting“ blend of styles.)