as the earth stood still, Sid began to move
He told me it would be alright to go and have fun / He said he loves his family but it was time to run / I loved that old man, I wrote him this song / Tell me, where do the great ones go when they’re gone (Langhorne Slim)
posted: Oktober 10, 2012
under: 600 km, black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, city, D2, Darmstadt, Hessen, img, Langhorne Slim, road
cool perspective :)
… oder:
Das Unbehagen in der Kultur!
Gruß, Uwe
running, running, that’s what i’m doing right now, but that’s ok, my love will be alright… there’s nothin‘ at the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds, there’s alot out there but don’t be scared lalalala
you and i just need to keep taking the images that speak to each other, set our hearts beating again
Some people dream of that, some urbanists dream of that. A line of grass, a line of concrete, a line of grass and so on. Is it a way for them to express their dream of a world ruled by geometrical patterns? Do they believe this world of them would be ironically better than the natural one with its natural dominant creature named (wo)man? But for sure, this geometrical dream is not working, its application in the real world is a little bit erratic, if not totally…
Anyway, these patterns or failed patterns call for our attention. And we photographers we like them or at least feel fascinated by them. And you, Florian, you offer here to our thirsty eyes a gem among these idealistic speculations.
(HA!) Go on… simply „Spread Your Wings“ when „Your Earth“ stood still Florain – A Great Way To F L Y! Liking much the „runway vibe“.
Opps yet again „FLORIAN“…
Love this one, a sort of grass fan.
Wow! love those lines.
nice shapes formed by these lines, nice work.. :)
Love the opposition concrete/grass: who will be the winner? Gorgeous perspective!!
Have a nice day.
We all travel parallel paths for a while. It is our quality within that path that defines us…and our little diversions might add a little filigree once in a while. The paths end, though. I just hope that when „it’s my time to run“ some of what I leave behind resonates for a while for those that I love.
The battle between grass and paving stones never ends!
Run run, along which lines, nobody knows, for every line you choose to run on there are a hundred more parallel ones that could take you virtually anywhere
„Let nature reclaim“