the wee wee hours
In the wee wee hours your mind gets hazy, radio relay towers lead me to my baby (Bruce Springsteen)
By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.
posted: Februar 25, 2009
under: black & white, pictures
tags: b & w, Berlin, Bruce Springsteen, city, D40, img, street
Excellent strong b/w shot. A photo from 1930.
The Times of transmitting Radio Analog, are almost over.
Remains me, of old film recordings, from RIAS Berlin. Or the dismounted AFN Radiotower, here in Frankfurt.
Great Shoot.
I’m still listening to vinyl, Joe. And I’m a little sad about these vanishing analog times, though I feel comfortable with all this digital stuff meanwhile. Caught in between, I guess!
great mono shot, it actually reminded me of REM’s Radio Free Europe. Grand work.
sehr schönes foto. das sieht nach einem lichtblick aus. ich nehm das heute als positiven eindruck mit in den wald. danke, fritsch.
Ach Pia, was soll ich sagen: Diesmal haben Hoffnung & Wald noch nicht zusammen gepasst. Aber ich arbeite bereits am Hoffnungsbild für das kommende Wochenende. Vielleicht passen ja Hoffnung & Alm besser zusammen. Ich hoffe es zumindest.
Belle image, l’ambiance est assez dramatique. Le traitement n&b est bien réalisé
Merci, Ben. Il me représente beaucoup, qu’il te plaît. Hope to meet you round here again soon.
All the best & safe travels,
just voted for you and your musical pictures :)
Thanks Elaine that means a lot to me. And be sure I voted for you several days ago.
freedom ? not sure ;)
like it a lot
I vote for you..
for myself, i don’t know how i can put tag on my blog !! but je suis inscrite !
Freedom in mind I’m sure Florence. Freedom in the early hours of the day. A good ol‘ song on the radio, all these pictures in our head & we feel able to fly.