songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

up above my head I hear music in the air

© Niort, France 2011 by Fritsch

Up above my head / I hear music in the air / Up above my head / I hear music in the air / Up above my head / I hear music in the air / I really do believe, I really do believe joy is somewhere (Sister Rosetta Tharpe)

posted: Februar 26, 2012
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , ,

15 Responses to “up above my head I hear music in the air”

  1. walter sagt:

    Ein Monument von einem Bild, wie aus einer fernen Zeit, als die Grossmeister der Schwarzweissfotografie von Magnum noch am Werke waren (Cartier-Bresson, Bischof, Koudelka, Burri etc.).
    Ein grossartig komponiertes Bild, das das Auge des Betrachters, es gibt absolut kein Entrinnen, wie durch einen Tunnel, weg von den erdrückenden Elementen, direkt ins Zentrum des Bildes führt.

  2. Jerome sagt:

    I love how that kid’s shape surges out of the darkness, from a point of light, the metaphors in your photographs my friend are very strong, philosophical photography at its best !

  3. Uwe sagt:

    Starke Fokussierung, perfekte Blickführung, atmosphärisch dichte Bildstimmung, feine Gradation der Grauwerte – und doch: Bei allem, was das Foto zu sehen aufgibt, bringt erst die Liedzeile den Betrachter dazu, auch das wahrzunehmen, was nicht zu sehen ist – die Musik, die in der Luft liegt, selbst hier, in der ärmlichen Tristesse einer beliebigen Gasse, in der ein kleiner Junge in lockerem Kontrapost steht, schaut und … lauscht. Wie ich, der ich das Bild betrachte und meine Freude daran hier mit einem WOW! zum Ausdruck bringen möchte. Liebe Grüße, Uwe

  4. Francis J sagt:

    A top-notch picture, my friend. And I can see I’m not the only one who’s thinking it. But for me, beyond the powerful qualities of composition and light, there is something more, very special to me. This little fellow creature between the two walls, this is me, Florian. This is me in a world I thought lost forever, that with your genious you managed to make appear again. This is me in my grandmother’s village, hidden in this narrow space between my grandmother’s house and the neighbourgh’s one. Oh, I know that is not the same place, the same time and so on, but it’s powerful enough to make tears roll on my skin, to make this time lived a long time ago living again. Thanks for this so intimate emotion rolling again.

  5. This is what photography’s about, or this is what it should be about in a ideal world, creating an emotional response in the viewer. His response might differ from the intended response, which, in a way, is even better sometimes. We are different yes, but so the same.

    For me personally, my response is similar to Francis J’s response, it reminds me of childhood, and of loved one’s that have long since gone. It reminds me of a time that can never be again, a time that I sometimes yearn for in moments of distress, when I yearn for a warm embrace. This is what this shot evoked in me…And therein lies the essence of great photography, which is exactly what this is, great photography. Superb, brother.

  6. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    Dear Lord, I do hope there is joy somewhere. All too often we are pressed into near-non-existence between monoliths of hopelessness, hurt, and despair of every description. What we do get to hope for is an absence of loneliness and pain. I profess to believe what Sister Tharpe does, but tonight it’s all far from me.
    What an evocative thing you have produced here, Fritsch.

  7. sherri sagt:

    love the title you chose to accompany this. only the hint of the person.

  8. Beve sagt:

    der kleine kerl, erdrückt von den wänden. na, das gefühl wird er noch kennen lernen.

  9. Formen. Strukturen. Linien. Mauern: Glatt. Rauh. Bröckelnd. Der kleine Junge: Eingezwängt. Ich kann nicht sagen, ob dieses Foto großartig komponiert ist, ob die Schwarz-weiß-Effekte zwingend, Licht und Schatten perfekt verteilt sind: Es beklemmt mich. Kein Ausweg. Kein Ausgang. Der Weg ins Freie ist kein Weg, sondern eine Ritze, die wieder in die Enge führt. Atemlos. Hoffnungslos. Himmel-los. Keine Musik. Nirgends.

  10. Ivy Tavia C. sagt:

    I so liking you’ve had focus your attention toward having the little-kid to be in placed – Great resulting effect! „Two Thumbs Up“ piece of work.

  11. Aurore sagt:

    The kind of photo i like, human between lines and deep blacks. Something you make very well !

  12. DomLOrtha sagt:

    Great capture again; love the strong BW you used here, and the kid trapped in the perspective. Great eye!
    Have a nice day.

  13. aptass sagt:

    as usual the darkness in your photos breathes life

  14. minimodi sagt:

    just gotta love this one, superb! classic composition and the silhouette of the kid is spot on.

  15. Great photo. A picture very philosophical … as always …

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