songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

the long hours of twilight

© Old lamp I Berlin 2009 by Fritsch

Beyond the horizon, behind the sun / At the end of the rainbow life has only begun / In the long hours of twilight ’neath the stardust above / Beyond the horizon it is easy to love (Bob Dylan)

posted: Juni 23, 2010
under: black & white, pictures
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8 Responses to “the long hours of twilight”

  1. frankdejol sagt:

    Interesting and intriguing.

  2. Otto K. sagt:

    simple and effective graphical image. very nice one!

  3. Fine composition, works for me both as an abstract and as a detail of this lamp type. Oh yes, and the quote is well selected!

  4. rotundschwarz sagt:

    Oooh – Bob :-) Und zum ersten Mal muss ich sagen, dass es mir nicht gelingt, eine Gedanken-Gefühls-Assoziatonskette zwischen diesem grafisch strengen, eher abweisenden Foto und dem hingetupften, melancholisch-schwebenden „Beyond the Horizon“ herzustellen…mmh… (und schon hast du mich doch zum Nachdenken gebracht ,-))

  5. Turnbill sagt:

    Nice abstract. Took me a minute to figure out what it was.

  6. elaine sagt:

    let there be light! great graphism! mysterious

  7. Elaine- sagt:

    very sexaaaay, just like you my dear…

  8. PixeLuz sagt:

    Very nice composition, far from obvious horizons.

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