songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

our dreams they float like anchors

© Am Borsigturm, Berlin 2010 by Fritsch

And sometimes our dreams they float like anchors / In hopeless waters oh way down deep / Sometimes it seems that all that matters most / Are all the things that you can’t keep (William Elliott Whitmore)

posted: April 11, 2010
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

10 Responses to “our dreams they float like anchors”

  1. Elaine- sagt:

    what a lyric!! it makes that building look like some ominous govt/corp that slowly saps your strength until you give up hope and stop fighting the system. all in all very well done, and very depressing haha… and thank you baby for the kind comment, if you say i am a photographer then by God i am a photographer!

  2. Kamal sagt:

    woweee. Another dramatic shot with an amazing perspective. This is obviously your signature shot. Well done.

  3. Otto K. sagt:

    excellent perspective and composition. nice strong tones and contrast.

  4. i love this shot! great POV. really nice :)

  5. Joe sagt:

    Klinker, Schwarz und Weiss, das geht immer ab. Damit kann man abgefahrene Kontraste erzeugen.

  6. Dreams may float, but it seems that this dream of a picture is rooted firmly in what I can only describe as your amazing talent to put seemingly simple images together with compelling words.

    Keep up the good work

  7. rotundschwarz sagt:

    Gestern noch tanzende Bäume, heute? Fließende Träume, die an Fassaden abprallen und trotzem den Himmel ahnen.

    Ich suche in deinen so perfekt durchkomponierten Bildern immer nach dem Bruch, so klein er auch sein mag – auch dieses mal wieder bin ich (bei den Erkern, die wie Pfeilspitzen in den Himmel weisen) fündig geworden. Fast wie bei einem Suchbild stellt für mich genau dieses Abweichen – klar: im Zusammenspiel mit der Stimmung des Bildes – den Link zu den lyrics her.

    Danke schön!

  8. Such a strong photo and classic composition. I like your perspective and the contrasts. Superb!

  9. kris sagt:

    reflection on the glass and contrast make this building realy strange and unique, I like your style! keep sharing, Kris.

  10. Turnbill sagt:

    Very intense shot! Like the reflection in the lower windows – they lift the building.

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