songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

but caught in my mind there’s a way to get out

© Wolfsburg Hbf 2011 by Fritsch

Wake me up ‚cause I’m dreaming / Well, they’ll never believe what’s been happening here / But caught in my mind there’s a way to get out (Tindersticks)

posted: April 20, 2011
under: colour, German Langeweile, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

13 Responses to “but caught in my mind there’s a way to get out”

  1. walter sagt:

    Wake me up ’cause I’m dreaming … denn das kann nur ein Albtraum sein, vom spärlichen Grünzeug im linken Fenster, bis hin zum schwarzen Loch im rechten Fenster … bestimmt fährt ein Zug vom Hbf direkt ins Grüne in die grosse Freiheit, ins helle Licht.

  2. Otto K. sagt:

    really nice. I quite like the color and repetition.

  3. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    A poignant thought that has some resonance. Sometimes we simply need to „escape“ and have freedom, and we never enter into a situation without first calculating an escape. Sometimes though, we simply can not escape but the dream of it stays with us.

  4. michèle sagt:

    The photo is most simple and that’s what we appreciate in it. Very beautiful.
    What is better than a train station to symbolize departure, escaping?
    Have a good day and a nice travel!

  5. Anne V. sagt:

    If you find the way to get out, tell me ! Beautiful :-)

  6. Beverungen sagt:

    wenn ich raus komme und lande dann in wolfsburg, bleibe ich lieber herrinnen – und schau mir die fenster an, die blümchen und die schwarzen löcher.

    großartig, danke und viele grüße


  7. Wonderful framming my friend. Great another time!

  8. Elaine- sagt:

    lol i’m sorry baby, i don’t come here until you comment because you don’t post every day and i would be mostly wasting my time looking, so if i wait for YOU to comment then i know you have a picture up :) that’s the way it works for most people with me…. i lie in wait, like a spider for a fly hehe then i when you are caught in my web i come and feast on your goodness!! i love the color blue in this picture, our living room used to be a weird color sea blue like that…. fab squareness to the shot too!!! just great… and YOU… you used to leave 4 comments when you visited, now you only leave one, so i complain back to you lolol love ya babe, ciao!!

  9. DomLortha sagt:

    Blue and black go together well in your composition; very unusual architecture! Well seen and well done!
    Have a nice day.

  10. rian sagt:

    i like how the scene is offset by that odd blacked out window.. nice catch..

  11. PixeLuz sagt:

    I’m looking at this picture as if it was the train station itself, not only its image. Probably the desire to leave Vitória for a while or for the rest of my life… Who knows?
    The windows look a bit strange, not train station’s ones. Are there people living there. That’s the kind of question one can ask ourself when travelling alone, waiting for the train. The kind of question that adds yet more emotion to the emotion of a departure.
    A very rich thematic picture, Florian.

  12. joe sagt:

    Das Weiss der Fugen, mit den Schwarz der Fleisen, zu dem Blau. Klasse gesehen.
    Weiter so Joe

  13. rotundschwarz sagt:

    Als ob Melancholie und Tristesse einen Namen bekommen hätten. Abfahrt? Ankunft? Endstation. Wolfsburg. Die Symmetrie der Traurigkeit. Und die Hoffnung auf ein schwarzes Loch.

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