songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …
one note at a time, connecting the heavenly spheres

The music Pythagorean / One note at a time / Connecting the heavenly spheres / While I leaned against the bar / Surveying the premises / Through cigarette smoke (FIELD, poem by Charles Simic)

as if they’d like to turn their insides out

There’s more than one kind of ghostly music in the air, all / Of them like the wind: you can’t see it / But you can see the leaves shiver in place / As if they’d like to turn their insides out (FIELD, poem by William Matthews)

can tell that the shadow likes you still

Put no limits on the words / Simply to live, that is my plan / Simply to live, that is my plan / In a city that breaks us (Songs: Ohia)