songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

sock it, rock it, heat it, beat it, then fling it at ‚em

Do that thing, jazz band! / Whip it to a jelly / Sock it; rock it; heat it; beat it; then fling it at ‚em / Let the jazz stuff fall like hell on king and truck driver, queen and laundress, lord and laborer, banker and bum (Amok Amor, poem by Frank Marshall Davis)

posted: Mai 14, 2017
under: black & white, jazz, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

3 Responses to “sock it, rock it, heat it, beat it, then fling it at ‚em”

  1. Francis J sagt:

    The energy! And such an energy! Bringing us to one more day despite of all the shit around. And the shuffle, this blow of life, bro. This blow, yeah. And I’m in it, jazzin‘ and jazzin‘. Going towards the front of our road. Let’s go, Florian, let’s run!

  2. Elaine- sagt:

    oh my, that sounds like a euphemism to me lol… how are you, Florian? what am i saying? you’re great, as always :)

  3. Uwe sagt:

    Nah am Limit, wenn nicht gar darüberhinaus.
    Wie an einer Rampe stehen sie in der Reihe, kurz vorm Absprung oder eher schon danach: Guten Flug!
    Wenn nichts mehr zählt, nur noch der Augenblick und der Rhythmus, den wir ihm geben, aus freien Stücken.
    Gruß Uwe

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