songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

farewell to the girl with the sun in her eyes

So goodbye, so long, the road calls me, dear / And your tears cannot bind me anymore / And farewell to the girl with the sun in her eyes / Can I kiss you and then I’ll be gone (Tom Waits)

posted: Oktober 7, 2015
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , ,

8 Responses to “farewell to the girl with the sun in her eyes”

  1. michèle sagt:

    i’m fond of that photo that show life, people life and you chose the little girl character that would inspire to choose the song. And to me the whole work becomes funny and poetic which is not opposing.

    Will you, please, excuse my interpetation if it is wrong, quoite wrong maybe.

    Have a good day.

    • Fritsch sagt:

      Nothing wrong with your interpretation. To me it seems the perfect interpretation because life should be funny & poetic all at the same time. Mercie beaucoup.

      All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  2. Uwe sagt:

    In der Gedankenblase des Ballonmädchens könnte stehen: „Ergattert! Den geb‘ ich nicht mehr her.
    Und vielleicht hänge ich mich dermaleinst daran, um hinaufzusteigen in den Himmel über Berlin, ins Freie und Ungebundene, zu den Luftschlössern meiner Fantasie.“

  3. Ulli sagt:

    Die Augen in denen die Sonne scheint verbergen sich hinter dem Ballon, ich sehe Traurigkeit und höre Tom Waits, hach, immer wieder gut, deine Musik und deine Bilder!
    merci vielmals für Augen- und Ohrenschmaus


  4. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    How like you, Florian, to view all of the turmoil of a busy scene with many possible stories, but to focus on a tiny girl clinging to her precious balloon amidst it all. I’m glad you were there to capture it.

    • Fritsch sagt:

      It’s these people everyone around me wouldn’t focus on that makes it so damn interesting to me. These people are precious to me. Glad it comes through in these frames of mine. Thanks, my friend.

      All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

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