songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

one more rainbow for the road

„Friede sei mit dir!“ sprach er. „Ruhe selig mein Vater, zur Nacht! Siehe, ich wache und sorge für deine Glieder, während du sorglos den Pfad des Trostes dahinziehen magst …“ (Thomas Mann)

Looking at a looking glass running out of time / On a face you used to know / Traces of a future lost in between the lines / One more rainbow for the road / Thinking of the faces in the windows / That you passed along the way / Or the last thing you believed in / Ain’t you come long way / Ain’t you come a long way down / This old road (Kris Kristofferson)

posted: Februar 26, 2014
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , , ,

14 Responses to “one more rainbow for the road”

  1. Uwe sagt:

    Möge derjenige, dem Du das letzte Geleit gegeben hast, in Frieden ruhen. Was war, bleibt in den Erinnerungen lebendig und wird auch das eine oder andere Mal in Deinen zukünftigen Fotos aufscheinen. Da bin ich mir sicher.

    Gruß, Uwe

  2. walter sagt:

    Florian, jedes Wort – zuviel und doch zu wenig.

    Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen über den herabstürzenden jähen Bach des Lebens. – Friedrich Nietzsche

  3. Francis J sagt:

    This working man in black, you managed to meet him and to shoot him. And this working man in black manages to make me think not only of my death but of death more generally.
    If there are many pictures of cemeteries, there are few of people working there. Just for that, Florian, thank you.
    I won’t say much more. Silence is requested.

  4. Ulli sagt:

    eine kleine schweigende Verbeugung und ein großes DANKE

    von Herzen grüße ich dich

  5. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    Terrifically hard photos to view for more than a second or two. The separation, the sense of loss, the sadness deeper than life…they all come back just as strong as before. I can’t do this one, Fritsch–not well, anyway. But, I’ll stand alongside–as long as needed.

  6. ay, Fritsch, buddy, there’s a time and place for everything, also for inevitable loss, for loneliness and emptiness.

    your pictures capture the finality of death in a moving way – the last shovels of earth on top of the coffin represent the very final moment to many of us – and your shots, in that low spring sun, are both close, respectful and personal.

    words often lose meaning and become empty in the face of death, but if the departed really is as close and loved one as the pictures and the Thomas Mann-quote suggest I hope you are OK, pal, I really do.

  7. Elaine- sagt:

    i’m sorry hon, did someone you know and love die? time, it’s one of the things i don’t like about this reality. ’72 Christmases, think about it‘ (Tom Waits) not much time to figure things out, and to be ready to go…. xoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxox

  8. Fritsch sagt:

    Thanks for your thoughts, folks. After 94 years & a life filled with more pleasure than hard times this man’s traveling another road with a warm winter sun & a wide horizon up ahead. This old road is just going on & on.

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  9. duke sagt:

    An atypical places my friend. Nice shadows and light Florian !

  10. Beve sagt:

    was war, bleibt.

  11. Trauer, die wichtige und notwendige Seelenarbeit in einem ganz positiven Sinne … hier in zwei wunderbaren Bildern sichtbar gemacht!
    Viele Grüße von uns,
    dm und mb

  12. Licht und Schatten. Anfang und Ende. Leben und Tod. Eine stille Geste. Der Dienst der Lebenden für die Toten. Die Verbundenheit und der Friede von Ritualen.

  13. Jerome sagt:

    I have to echo Phil’s words, these are terrifically hard to see. Hope you’re doing well my friend

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