songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

go out walking in the ghost-town of my brain

© Schirn, Frankfurt am Main 2012 by Fritsch

I like to go out walking in the ghost-town of my brain / Kick the rusted scrap-iron of my memories and dreams / Yeah, here’s a busted compass … look, the needle’s standing still / Much as some folks hate to lose their way, me, I pray to God that I will (Jim White)

posted: November 25, 2012
under: black & white, Im Herzen von Europa, pictures
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9 Responses to “go out walking in the ghost-town of my brain”

  1. Kevin sagt:

    Great composition and I love the reflection on the windows ! Great shot !

  2. Uwe sagt:

    Eine perfekt in Szene gesetzte, mehrgeschossige Rotunde.
    Die konkave Fensterfläche scheint sich über die Bildgrenzen hinweg fortzusetzen. Man kommt sich vor wie in der Mitte eies Karusells, man verliert kurzfristig die Orientierung ob der halbkreisförmig angeordneten Glasflächen, in denen sich Dinge spiegeln, die jenseits des Bildes liegen.
    Vollkommen statisch und in ausgewogener Symmetrie die Ansicht – und doch voller Irritation die Wirkung, die durch die Dynmaik des Ausschnitts und die Vielfalt der Spiegelflächen entsteht.
    Gruß, Uwe

  3. Francis J sagt:

    Busted compass and its needle standing still, the cupola here is a remarkable structure; thus, more than its architectural qualities, that’s the reflections and the transparencies which call for attention, that’s an extraordinary feature making the viewer imagining invisible people going and coming up and down behind, people from various times, as if past and present could mix together.

    Once again, this is the Schirn Kunsthalle, but your point of view, Florian, leads our eyes beyond the ordinary. Fascinating!

  4. Elaine- sagt:

    honey, there is no such THANG as platonic photography hahaha, just kidding… how’s your brain? those aren’t ghosts, they are angels…. i can see them standing in your picture

  5. DomLortha sagt:

    Master piece!!! Love it! The composition is perfect! Wow, terrific!
    Have a nice day.

  6. Jerome sagt:

    Hold on to those memories too long, and what you got is just a museum in your head, it is good to get lost

  7. rian sagt:

    great shadow patterns captured here, nicely done!

  8. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    Wonderful reflections that play and hide and repeat and tease with a bit more here and a bit less there. If you look at one pane, you know it isn’t all there is. If you look at them all, you know that they are more than there is. The reality is much clearer sometimes, but it isn’t always as much fun.

  9. Superb…
    Very good week for you, my friend.


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