songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

maybe I missed the boat, but made the train

© Braubachstraße, Frankfurt am Main 2012 by Fritsch

Maybe I was an outlaw / Or the Lord himself / Maybe I was a rich man / Or a rich man’s help / Perhaps I lived in China / Perhaps I loved in vain / Maybe I missed the boat / But made the train (Langhorne Slim)

posted: Oktober 24, 2012
under: black & white, Im Herzen von Europa, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , , ,

11 Responses to “maybe I missed the boat, but made the train”

  1. Uwe sagt:

    Wieder einmal ein echter Fritsch: das Alltägliche stillgestellt und dabei das Motiv in visuelle Rhythmen übersetzt, die den Betrachter das gegenständliche Sujet – hier: eine scheinbar beliebige Häuserfassade mit Straßenbahn – vergessen und seine Augen wandern lässt, auf der Suche nach formalen Bezügen und ihren inhaltlichen Echos. Das Repetitive der Bildelemente – eckige und runde Formen im Wechsel – gibt der Komposition eine Dynamik, durch die das Statische scheinbar, in unserer Fantasie, in Bewegung gerät. Und so sind wir wieder einmal mit Dir, lieber Florian, unterwegs.
    Gruß, Uwe

  2. Francis J sagt:

    There is something very special in this kind of train: the illustrations and its „naïve“ sketches, as if there was the will to transform the passengers, and first of them the adults, in children. That’s a kind of „disneylandization“ of our urban scenery, there’s the hidden will of making everything and everybody more and more pueril. At least that’s what I see…
    But your composition, Florian, shows us also ordinary façades, confirming we are in an ordinary city and not a replica of EuroDisneyland. A great picture to make us think about the manipulations we have to put up with.

  3. Roland Theys sagt:

    A excellent bw! nice day to you!

  4. Elaine- sagt:

    oh, i happen to love murals… they go along with my general philosophy, to take the ugly and pretty it up, and call it art… if i didn’t start with the ugly, i would never start at all… i have to trick my brain to do ‚art’… that i have already failed completely, and might as well spray the poo with glitter and put it on a pedestal lol… we are not God, we can no make the art, we can only make pretty… so i do…

    it was very nice to wake up to all your wonderful comments today, my dear Florian, they made me feel happy… and this picture and your words to go with it… brilliant lol love love xoxoxoxox

  5. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    Francis J is right: it’s silliness, to be sure, but I’d take the ride. I know I’ve missed the boat, but I’ve also missed the train. I may as well try this one.

  6. Jerome sagt:

    The train can take you anywhere, and leave you anywhere, it’s a good vector of discovery, and if it’s in the city, all the better.

  7. Ivy Tavia C. sagt:

    There’s this „Optical Illusion“ vibe at first glance in setting (to dine alfresco HA!). Well spotted on this ARTSY transportation Florian, quite a scene!

  8. Franck sagt:

    I really like your BW, your contrats …
    The composition is interesting with this passengers.

  9. Une jolie composition B/W, superbe lumière, j’adore !

  10. rian sagt:

    and it sure is an interesting train.. :) nice catch!

  11. DomLortha sagt:

    What a picture; it looks like a mix of reality and cartoon! Great shot!!
    Have a nice day.

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