songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

you’re thinking about a place to go

© Schwarze Zimmer, Haus Muche, Dessau 2011 by Fritsch

And when the phone has lost it’s bell / And the doorbell has lost it’s sound / You’re only hearing your heart pound / It’s involuntary (M. Ward)

posted: August 14, 2011
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , ,

17 Responses to “you’re thinking about a place to go”

  1. Otto K. sagt:

    simple and very effective. love this.

  2. Marcie sagt:

    Such perfect simplicity. Love the framing..the light.

  3. Francis sagt:

    A black wall and a white one, the two faces of reality where nothing but a cable and some little mysterious device are making their life, are making me wondering what i’m doing there, like many times i’m wondering.
    And a great composition based on 3 main lines, Florian. One of your best ones!

  4. Aurore sagt:

    Again i love the tones of your mono !

  5. minimodi sagt:

    sometimes it’s just as simple like that. good everyday detail.

  6. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    But, we keep on waiting and listening and hoping for some small something from that special one that says they are still there, don’t we? And we wait, and listen, and wait, and listen some more.

    Provocative as always, Fritsch.

  7. Elaine- sagt:

    i love the bare corner of a room, this reminds me of a shot i TRIED to take with film and a 4×5 camera once, i taped off the black baseboards to make the room look all white, and i took my mother’s old clock off the wall and changed the numbers around, hung it in place and got my friend Loretta who was pale with looooong black hair to crouch in the corner wearing nothing but gym shorts and a sports bra so she looked naked with her hair splayed all over her body… and i tried soooo hard to make her look see thru so i could see the lines of the corner of the wall thru her, i tried so hard to get that shot, SOOOOOOO hard, i wanted it so bad, strange to remember the passion i had back then and right now i’m considering giving up photography because it’s not doing anything for me anymore… i feel sad… but -your beautiful shot sure does take me back, i wish i was a good photographer :(

  8. rotundschwarz sagt:

    In der Tat empfinde ich bei diesem – auf unheimliche Art brillianten Foto – nur eins: Ich will hier raus. Allein. Einsam. Kalt. In die Ecke gedrängt. Aussichtlos. Und ich hoffe dringend, dass es ihn (für dich, für mich, für M. Ward, für uns alle) gibt, irgendwo. Den „place to go“.

  9. somehow this one reminds me of the work of Roger Ballen, one of my favorite photographers of all time. Maybe it’s the wires on the floor.

  10. theysroland sagt:

    Perfect composition and shot!

  11. sherri sagt:

    fantastic image. i like the splash of light showing the receptacles which are all the more interesting because they’re round.

  12. Superb minimalism, and perfectly divided.

  13. Kid sagt:

    Wenn es in der Ecke, in die man sich hat drängen lassen, außer dem eigenen Herzschlag nichts mehr gibt, ist es hohe Zeit, aus dieser Ecke wieder herauszukommen. Gruß vom Kid

  14. rhys sagt:

    I adore the simplicity and composition in this Fritsch, wonderful.

  15. DomLOrtha sagt:

    You turned a simple view ito a very creative and esthetic picture! Great, great work!
    Have a nice day.

  16. Beverungen sagt:

    das runde muss ins eckige, alte fußballerweisheit

    viele grüße


  17. Simple and intense. I like the composition.

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