songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

gone are the days, the distance between

© Wire, Velten 2010 by Fritsch

Gone are the weeds that you tended to like children / Gone are the days, the distance between (Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter)

I’m on the road for a couple of days. There are some images going up whilst I’m gone but be sure I’ll be back to see all your beauties & write my humble comments. All the best & safe travel, Fritsch.

posted: August 8, 2010
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , ,

9 Responses to “gone are the days, the distance between”

  1. Otto K. sagt:

    wonderful image as I follow the cord through the photo.

  2. a.h.lex sagt:

    sehr schönes Photo zu einer kleinen bevorstehenden Reise! Viel Spaß dabei! Beste Grüße, a.h.lex

  3. Turnbill sagt:

    Wow! Simple and beautiful. Love the darkening tones at the bottom of the frame.

  4. PixeLuz sagt:

    Riding the hose over the pavement, a simple way to make the imagination travel. And we can talk of all types of travels… Nice black and white tones by the way.

  5. Joe sagt:

    Da fragt man sich! Wo kommts her? und Wo geht es hin?
    Gut gesehen, …

  6. Enjoy the roads, buddy :) and come back with good photos.
    Love the simplicity of the photo here – Connecting both sides of the frame, but we cannot see who (if any) holds the ends of this rope.

  7. Kim sagt:

    Schönes Bild, Florian! Verschlungene Lebenswege …

  8. Elaine- sagt:

    there is no distance between us, my little star fish :) and now i do hope even more that you record your music and use my picture, then we will be connected forever *big wet sloppy kisses*

  9. elaine sagt:

    so much to catch up on after a long break…thanks for the wire to help :) lol!

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